Looking for a Half-Life pro config

Video games

Can someone share his Half-Life config with me. I'm looking for a nice config with nice bindings e.g. for Long Jump with keybind on “space”. 

Question created: 2020-04-17 09:16 Zocker


This is my config. Its has a simple bunnyjump and longjump alias and nice weapon binds arround the “WASD” keys. It will let you swtich your weapons arround the movement keys in a fast and nice way. All important weapons bindings are included in this config file. The network settings are optimized for DSL & LAN connections. 

Key weapon bindings:
1 = 9mmhandgun
2 = Shotgun
3 = Crossbow
4 = Gauss / Tau
5 = Tripmine
z = Crowbar
q = 9mmAR
f = RPG
C = Egon
g = Handgrenade
x = Statchel

Put the lines into your autoexec.cfg config file. Its located in this directory:




exec violence.cfg

name "Insert Playername here"
model "blue"

bind "w" "+forward"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "d" "+moveright"

bind "e" "+use"
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "y" "messagemode"

// Weapons bindings
bind "1" "use weapon_9mmhandgun"
bind "2" "use weapon_shotgun"
bind "3" "use weapon_crossbow"
bind "4" "use weapon_gauss"
bind "5" "use weapon_tripmine"
bind "z" "use weapon_crowbar"
bind "q" "use weapon_9mmAR"
bind "f" "use weapon_rpg"
bind "c" "use weapon_egon"
bind "g" "use weapon_handgrenade"
bind "x" "use weapon_satchel"


alias "+walk" "+speed;cl_forwardspeed 400;cl_sidespeed 400;cl_backspeed 400"
alias "-walk" "-speed;cl_forwardspeed 500;cl_sidespeed 500;cl_backspeed 500"

bind    "kp_rightarrow"        "+walk"


alias "bh1" "+jump;alias bh@ bh2;special"
alias "bh2" "wait;alias bh@ bh3;special"
alias "bh3" "-jump;alias bh@ bh4;special"
alias "bh4" "wait;alias bh@ bh1;special"
alias "+bh" "bh@;bh1"
alias "-bh" ";-jump"

bind    "alt"        "+bh"

// Longjump

alias "+lj" "+duck;wait;+jump"
alias "-lj" "-jump;wait;-duck"

bind "space" "+lj"


bind  "end"           "no;say negative;play_team hgrunt/negative.wav"
bind  "del"           "yes;say affirmative;play_team hgrunt/affirmative.wav"

//basic movement
bind "ctrl" "+duck"

bind    "ins"         "model red"
bind    "home"        "model blue"
bind    "pgup"        "model scientist"
bind     "g"          "drop"

bind    "F1"          "slot1"
bind    "F2"          "slot2"
bind    "F3"          "slot3"
bind    "F4"          "slot4"
bind    "F5"          "slot5"
bind    "F6"          "slot6"
bind    "F7"          "slot7"
bind    "F8"          "slot8"
bind    "F9"          "slot9"
bind    "F10"         "slot10"
bind    "F11"         "amxmodmenu"

sensitivity            "3.20"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.80"
ex_interp              "0.05"
fps_max                "800"
fps_override           "1"
net_graph              "0"
default_fov            "130"
r_drawviewmodel        "1"
gl_spriteblend         "0"
r_detailtextures       ""
volume                 "0.1"
lookspring             "0"
lookstrafe             "0"
m_filter               "0"
m_rawinput             "1"
cl_allowdownload       "1"
cl_allowupload         "0"
cl_clockreset          "0.1"
cl_cmdbackup           "2"
cl_cmdrate             "100"
cl_dlmax               "128"
cl_download_ingame     "0"
cl_fixtimerate         "7.5"
cl_gaitestimation      "1"
cl_nosmooth            "1"
cl_smoothtime          "0"
cl_lc                  "1"
cl_lw                  "1"
cl_resend              "3"
cl_timeout             "300"
cl_vsmoothing          "0.0"
hpk_maxsize            "0"
sv_maxspeed            "320"


hpk_maxsize          "0"
net_scale            "5"
net_graphpos         "2"
sv_maxvelocity       "4096"
rate                 "30000"
cl_updaterate        "100"
cl_cmdrate           "100"
cl_rate              "9999"

hud_deathnotice_time "6"
con_color            ""
con_notifytime       "0"
console              "1"
crosshair            "1"
developer            "1"
tracerspeed          "1000"
tracerlength         "3"
tracerred            "3"
tracergreen          "3"
tracerblue           "0"
traceroffset         "30"
ambient_level        "0.0"
bgmvolume            "0"
hisound              "1"
room_off             "1"
suitvolume           "0.25"
voice_enable         "1"
waterroom_type       "0"

//Part autoexec export
r_wadtextures        ""
gl_spriteblend       "1"
ati_npatch           "1"
bitmapfonts          "1"
brightness           "10"
direct               "0.9"
gamma                "10"
gl_affinemodels      "1"
gl_alphamin          "0.25"
gl_clear             "1"
gl_cull              "1"
gl_dither            "0"
gl_flipmatrix        "0"
gl_fog               "0"
gl_keeptjunctions    "1"
gl_lightholes        "1"
gl_max_size          "512"
gl_monolights        "0"
gl_overbright        "0"
gl_picmip            "0"
gl_polyoffset        "-0.001"
gl_round_down        "0"
gl_texturemode       "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"
gl_zmax              "4096"
gl_vsync             "0"
lightgamma           "1.81"
lambert              "1.5"
mp_decals            "0"
r_decals             "0"
r_bmodelinterp       "0"
r_cachestudio        "1"
r_traceglow          "0"
r_dynamic            "0"
r_lightmap           "0"
r_mmx                "0"
r_novis              "0"
r_wateralpha         "1"
r_mirroralpha        "1"
texgamma             "1.8"
viewsize             "120"
v_dark               "1"
violence_agibs       "0"
violence_hgibs       "0"
violence_hblood      "0"
violence_ablood      "1"

bind    ","      "volup"
bind    "."      "voldown"

echo "config 100% loaded..."
answered 2020-05-01 08:47 gam0r