Show hidden files on Mac / OSX


I want to see all hidden files in my finder on my Mac. Is there any way to make them visible in the finder? 

Computer Question created: 2020-10-10 10:37 ValdiBoom


You need to configure it via your terminal. This guide will help you to show the hidden files on your Mac:

Show hidden files on Mac:

  1. Open Terminal via Finder > Applications > Utilities
  2. Type or copy: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES  into your command line interface. 
  3. Press return 
  4. Close all finder windows and reopen.

You can easily hide this files again by typing defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO into your terminal. Don't forget to close all finder windows after you made those changes. Sometimes it also help to restart your Mac. 


answered 2020-11-07 10:23 howTo